It was late in the season when we lost two ships down near the Jamaican trade channels. It was one of those situations that start off real promising with a fat merchant ship just waiting to be plucked when all of a sudden two man-of wars broke sail in the leeward quarter and did in Captain Blood and his partner The Black Buccaneer. Both crews were dispatched to “Davey Jones’ Locker” with nary a chance to plead for mercy. It was probably a lot more merciful than swinging from the gibbet on the dock at the Governor’s Landing.
I was heading up a convoy of black sail sharks from our home base down near the Dutch Antilles when the news was broken to us by a passing fishing sloop out of Santo Domingo looking for fat tuna on the shelf. There were three of us but the smallest was a prize taken recently from a Portuguese captain who surrendered without a fight. I was of a mind to keel-haul the coward but my first mate, Mister Hawkins, being possessed of a cooler head advised keeping him and his entourage safe for ransom sure to be forthcoming as soon as we got word to the right quarters.
Since we hadn’t taken much booty in the last month, the crew was beginning to grumble about the problems with the grub and the lack of female companionship. It didn’t help that the prize included a Spanish woman of quality who was joining her husband in the New World. She was a fair looking wench with that air of royalty that most pirates love to bring to the edge of humiliating confrontation with the nasty needs of sex-starved buccaneers. I would be overjoyed to be rid of her because she represented a temptation to my men that I might be hard-pressed to restrain.


The unfortunate female’s name was Donna Luisa de la Mancha and she claimed connection to the King of Castile. I couldn’t care less about her royal connections and was much more interested in how I could get her off my ship without becoming a play-toy for almost forty sex-deprived seafarers. She had a personal maid with her who was almost twenty years her senior but still had a spark of attractiveness that gave pause to a cunt obsessed herd of slobbering bad men who had no liking for authority. The maid was dark of skin and had long black hair that came down to her bustle kissing the tops of her prominent flanks that made most of the crew groan out loud with desire.
When my chief spy amongst the crew, Three Finger Jack came to my cabin and informed me that the men were determined to take one of the wenches down to their quarters and find solace in her fiery depths, I was angry at first but then realized it might be a way to disarm the situation and I gave him a wink to make use of the solidly built maid who could better handle the appetites of my sex-starved crew than the delicately designed Spanish high-born cunt.
I went down to the quarters incognito just to check that they were not causing the slut physical damage and all I heard were her groans of pleasure. It seemed like all was working out without the need of killing one or two of my best men just to prove my authority.
To be on the safe side, I had placed Donna Louisa de la Mancha in my adjacent cabin right next to my private quarters and she knocked on my door to inquire as to the whereabouts of her maid. I was tempted to tell her that the bitch was getting her hind quarters exercised in place of her but I kept mum and just remarked that she was most likely “under the weather” from the recent storm we had weathered with no loss of life or limb.
“I trust all is well with her madam and that she will be up and about shortly.”
I failed to add that she would be walking funny for the next two days from repeated expeditions up her backside by my anal-minded buccaneers. Seeing no respite from it, I invited her into my cabin to partake of some fine Spanish wine we had liberated not too long ago from a floundering supply ship bringing the tasty pressings to the new colonies in Florida. The grape growing in the new world was decidedly inferior to the hills of Spain and France for the production of a banner crop.
The woman was far too nervous for logical conversation so I plied her with the drink to loosen her tongue. I fear I went too far and she fell into a swoon from the combination of deep-seated fear and lack of familiarity with excessive intake of spirits. The poor creature was slumped in her chair but not in any semblance of distress. In a spirit of being of assistance, I loosened her bodice and opened her corset merely to insure she had no difficulty in securing oxygen.
At least, that is how I started out my efforts to remove her clothing, but when I came down to the drawers under her petticoats, I confess I lost all thought about giving her succor and concentrated on availing my fingers of her soft sweetly scented flesh. I knew for a fact that she had taken a bath every evening since we had taken her as a prize and her sweet slit was like flowers on a fresh morning in the middle of May. I spent some time exploring every little corner of her cunt noticing that she was not a virgin but had very little experience in taking thick shafts in her vaginal walls. Her pretty little clitoris was a sheer delight for each time I came close she sprinkled my fingers with her female dew like a faucet being turned on without any control.
I saw that this was my opportunity to learn all I could about the fair maiden and I flipped her over on her flat little tummy and began to explore the mysteries of her heated dark and exciting crack and little brown star that blinked when I pressed my finger in hard. I could tell she was no stranger to taking things up her bum and I assumed it was some male friends given sanctuary in lieu of residence in her virginal slit. Well, someone had that pleasure as well so I was not a trespasser on virgin territory in either opening. I decided for a rear door entry just to see if it would arouse her from her stupor. The fact she was not quite abreast of her naked situation on top of my bunk behind my locked door actually made her anal copulation an easy task. My cock merely touched her little star and she sighed and opened up her door like I was an old friend come knocking for some pleasant conversation. Her breathing was quite regular whilst mine began to pant in excited joy at the tightness of my entry. She had taken all that I had to offer and simply whimpered with happiness at my probing thrusts. Soon I was all lubricated with her juices and my own pre-cum and the sound of our slurping union was delightfully depraved to my ears.
She began to stir just as I reached that point that I had not control over my release and opened her eyes to look into mine right when my first spurt hit her deep inside. I flooded her interior with my pent-up cream and she softened her look knowing the deed was done. I felt regret that I had overcome her defenses with the ploy of spirits but looking back I would have done it the same way because she was obviously undisturbed with the result.
Now that Donna Louisa was attuned to our congress, I implored her to give up her rear door opening for my exploration. At first, she demurred but then with a sigh of resignation, she turned over and pulled her cheeks apart as if offering her little pucker hole as a sign of cooperation with her captor. I didn’t really care what her reasoning was, I just straddled her sweet hips and sank my hungry cock into the hilt expecting her to protest but all she said was,
“Ahh, that is the place, my fine pirate captain. You make Donna Louisa a happy prisoner with your talented cock. Make me take it up all the way, dear Captain.”
I was a bit surprised she was so exciting and willing and I wondered if I had sent the right prisoner to the crew’s quarters below. It was obvious that Donna Louisa was not unacquainted with kinky bedroom sports despite her look of innocence and piety.
After I pounded her bottom at length and finally deposited a nice load in her brown eye, I put her over my knee and spanked her with gusto telling her,
“You have been a very bad girl, Donna Louisa and now you must take your correction for your naughty behavior. My spunk is leaking out of both your openings and I can tell from your trembling you want more of the same.”
Her ass was quite red now and she started to hump my knee like it was a stiff cock under her belly.
I stood up and decided to fill her mouth with my meat leaving her no dignity to bring back to her cabin when I was finished with her. Once again, she surprised me with a talented technique that was better than any island wench or bar maid with years of experience. Just when I thought she had put the icing on my cake, she let her tongue wander down past my balls to my throbbing pucker and started to rim my excited anus like she was eating a special treat from the table of the King himself. It was an exciting moment and I was forced to shoot another load when her skilled tongue shoved inside and made my prostate her prisoner with its devilish twists and turns.
Finally, I allowed the Spanish lady to retire to her quarters having tasted all of her sweet charms and coming to the conclusion that she was better off with us buccaneers than in a court filled with sugar mouthed fops with no starch in their dick.
We made the Dry Tortugas the next morning and both Donna Louisa and her maid seemed a bit unhappy to find they would be ransomed so quickly. I was sorry to see the Spanish lady go but knew it was for the best because a female on board a pirate ship is never good news.
The men were mollified with their shares which were a long time overdue but it seemed like the pirate trade was becoming more dangerous and less rewarding as the Colonial powers flooded the New World with their navies to keep the merchant fleets safe from harm. The free trade was the lifeblood of the old European courts and free enterprise was the main source of income for the jaded monarchy across all of Europe.
Sometimes, we pirates like to think of ourselves as privateers or mercenaries to do the bidding of this King or that and it all seemed to make sense until the gibbet stared you in the face and they only had one word on their tongues and it was,


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