As you can see by this teaser video, we got to spend a week with so many gorgeous models and talented photographers at the Paradise Challenge OPEN this past September at Hedonism II in Nigril, Jamaica.
We brought with us host Tyler Suess, Jaquie Ohh, Jenise Lebron (all three are former Model of the Month for and Jenell Hendrix. We took Jenell to Jamaica to shoot her Model of the Month feature. Every corner of the resort was filled daily and into the night with artists capturing the beautiful ladies for various magazines as well as personal portfolio projects.
“I wanted to give a big thanks to Joel Alvarez of the for inviting Bikini Team to the Paradise Challenge OPEN Jamaica,” stated BikiniTeamTV founder John Neyrot. “The trip was an amazing experience at Hedonism II in Nigril. I am really looking forward to attending more Paradise Challenges.”
Beautiful Veve Dream Girl spokesmodel Khloe Terae handed out bikinis from Veve Swimwear which the girls shot in throughout the resort all week. JC Salons of Toronto was in attendance and assisting with all of the models hair and make up.
“I’m honored to have a legend in the industry like John Neyrot and his BikiniTeamTV join us on our up coming and future Paradise Challenges all over the world,” stated Black Tape Project Founder Joel Alvarez. “Working together will help both of us expand our brands worldwide and enjoy what this planet has to offer. I cant wait for what is to come. Thanks John and crew for being apart of Paradise Challenge.”
Jenell ended up winning the obstacle course, earning the Emerald Stone as well as a free trip to the next Paradise Challenge Jamaica in September 2015. Meanwhile, Tyler won the Kandy Magazine Hot Body Contest earning the Sapphire Stone as well as a trip to Paradise Challenge St. Moritz Switzerland in February 2015.
“For those of you who weren’t in Jamaica you totally missed out,” stated BikiniTeamTV host Tyler Suess. “The Paradise Challenge was a blast. In addition to the beautiful beach and perfect weather the talent at this event was off the charts! The models, photographers and the entertainment were incredibly impressive. The challenges were fun and I’m so excited to be an upcoming feature in Kandy Magazine and heading to an upcoming Paradise Challenge in St. Moritz! I am so blessed to have attended the Paradise Challenge after getting the invite from Joel of the Black Tape Project.”
Hedonism II is such a great property to shoot at. I have been fortunate to have been to the resort numerous times to shoot calendars with John and attend a bunch of events it feels like a second home. Not to mention, I am addicted to Jamaican Patties and would average eating 2+ per day.
John actually found a little time to test out our new Phantom 2 Vision Plus flying camera in between shooting three Models of the Month videos, bodypaint, drinking and eating Jamaican patties. We decided not to use it that much after learning another production team lost one hours before we were doing our second one hour test flight. Our maiden voyage hit a tree and crashed so we thought it best not to press our luck.
Besides all the new friends I met, it was great hanging with my Bikini Team crew including some of my Hawaiian Tropic photographer buddies such as Greg Hunter, Vince Cavataio & Eric Taylor. These three guys love to shoot and months later are still editing pictures from Jamaica.
“I was thankful to be invited by the Bikini Team to come and cover the Paradise Challenge,” stated photographer Greg Hunter. “I knew of a lot of the models going and this was a great opportunity to shoot with them. I also haven’t been able to shoot with the Bikini Team crew for a while and since they were all headed to Jamaica – I jumped at the chance. Joel and his crew put on a great event and I look forward to going to another Challenge next year. Being able to finally work with Tyler Suess & Jenise Lebron was also a bonus for going.”
I loved Joel’s stage performance during the Black Tape Project show and was impress by the size of the group that attended this Paradise Challenge. We had fun taking the girls on snorkeling excursions and shooting with the new GoPro cameras we bought just before the trip. They came in handy too with several of the models using them to film themselves going down the water slide as you can see in the teaser video.
“It was good going back to Jamaica for the Paradise Challenge,” stated photographer Vince Cavataio. “It was great to see friends I had not seen in awhile. Also to meet photographers who’s work I have admired. Talk to them and I’m always interested in how other guys work and learn new things from them. The models were nice and easy to work with. My only complaint was I wasn’t able to work with all of them, but maybe next time. The resort was great with a very nice staff who were always on hand if you needed something. All in all I had a great time and will go back again.”
We are really excited about all of the incredible video footage college at the Paradise Challenge. Stay tuned, we will be rolling it out starting in November.
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