Sheila was one of those lucky people who had a very happy childhood.
It was a sad fact but indisputable that her father died when she was only seven and she only had the photos to really remember him by. Her mother was sort of a flake flitting from boyfriend to boyfriend after the funeral looking for a replacement for husband’s steady and dependable love-making but all she really found was a string of pleasant pussy hounds looking for a sure thing. Still, her mom was the type that would give her last breath for her daughter and made certain that her Sheila was not wanting for almost anything she desired.
At least the boyfriends, who became an endless stream of “Uncles”, were fully focused on her mom’s juicy cunt and she was never a victim of any abuse of any type whatsoever.
Like most of her other girlfriends she learned about “The Birds and the Bees” at a sleepover with her other friends from school and her Girl Scout Troop. It was Angela Smith who seemed to know almost everything there was to know about the subject and she was happy to fill in the other girls on exactly what they could expect from future boyfriends.
At first, Sheila thought that Angela was pulling her leg with such crazy stories about what boys did to girls and she dismissed it as sheer propaganda.
Then, one night shortly after her sixteen birthday, she stumbled out to the kitchen to get some juice in restless confusion after a dream about some of the boys in their gym shorts teasing her about her lack of boobs. She was gulping down her second glass of orange juice when she heard the sound of laughter from her mom’s bedroom. It seemed strange that her mom was up that late since she had to be at work at eight AM the next morning. Sheila knew that Uncle Bob was staying over just like he always did when he was traveling from another town. Still, it was far too late to be discussing anything when people should be sound asleep.
She crept up to the door and managed to peep through the keyhole which was one of those old fashioned types from long ago in the almost sixty year old apartment building and saw the shadows of her mom and Uncle Bob outlined against the mirror on the far wall. It was hard to believe but they were both stark naked and seemed to be struggling like some sort of wrestling match on top of the bed.
When they both fell back into a classic position of her mom on her back with her legs wrapped tightly around Uncle Bob, Sheila realized everything that Angela had said was true and that the other girls at school were not fooling when they said that boys only wanted to do that to girls because it was just natural and necessary to continue the cycle of life.
She knew she should withdraw but a sort of weakness swept over her and she kept her eye glued to the opening.
Uncle Bob was holding her mom’s arms down on the mattress and kept driving his naked backside in between her legs like he was spanking her with his body. Sheila was no stranger to spanking because she had been a naughty girl on more than one occasion.
Her mom kept shaking her head from side to side and hollering out “no” but she could tell she really meant “yes” because she was giggling and laughing as well. Uncle Bob must have known she wanted him to continue as well because he suddenly started to go faster and her mom’s ankles rose high in the air with tense emotion.
All she could hear now was the slap of their meat coming together and it made her feel strangely frustrated that she couldn’t play this game too. Her mom’s whimpers were soft and tender and she could tell she was building up to something big and explosive.
She saw them both go into a frenzy of movement and for a quick instant saw Uncle Bob’s cock sliding into her mom’s center like some runaway piston on a well-oiled machine. Sheila felt her nighty’s bottoms get wet between her legs but she was certain it wasn’t her period or her water because she had gone to the bathroom just before getting the orange juice.
Sheila moved away from the bedroom door and returned to her own room. She was a bit confused because now she knew it was all true and that when the boys were always trying to see what she had under her skirt they were only thinking of sticking their things inside her and making her whimper just like her mom.
Well, she was sixteen now and if she wanted to do it with one of them it was really up to her.
The next day at school, she looked at all the young lads with a different thought on her mind other than trying to decide which one was nastier than the other. Now, she was looking at them trying to pick out which one she wanted to wrap her legs around and let him make her whimper like her mom. She knew now that was the thing that made the world go around and that probably all the other girls were actually telling her the truth and not a bunch of lies.
She found that young Tommy Jones was the one she liked the best.
Tommy was a strong lad of almost eighteen and he was highly successful with members of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, he had the makings of a right scoundrel when it came to breaking cherries and had made his way through half the population of the senior class. Sheila was still a junior and he had not gotten to her as yet.
She took the initiative and approached him at the lunch hour and asked him in her sweetest tone possible,
“Do you fancy a go at me, Tommy?”
He looked at her with a surprised look in his eyes. This was really a first for him. Seldom did females take such a direct route to his cock. Still, Sheila was a pretty young thing with long black hair and a heart-shaped bum that could be seen under her gym shorts on the exercise field. He was ready, willing, and able to tap her sweet cherry whenever she said the word. That is exactly what he told her and they shook hands on it and promised to meet up behind the football stands right after school.
It was difficult for Sheila to sit in her chair in the classroom all afternoon but she did her level best to listen to the teachers and do her work because she was a diligent student.
She walked to the football stands with mixed emotions of fear and anticipation. She wondered if it would really hurt the first time like the girls had told her. She had a condom in her backpack just in case Tommy had forgotten to bring one. In fact, she was so nervous that she kept biting her nails the entire way.
The field and the stands were completely deserted and they were in complete privacy. That was a big plus to her because she didn’t want anyone to see her face if she failed to live up to Tommy’s expectations.
“You’re late, princess!”
She mumbled an apology and stood silent as Tommy started to explore her boobs and her backside without even giving her a chance to take off her backpack. All thought of her stashed condom disappeared and she just allowed him to do whatever he wanted since he was the one with all the experience and she was just a beginner.
Sheila experienced a momentary tingle of reluctance when Tommy started to pull down her knickers. In her heart, she knew it was far too late to change her mind and it might lead to an unpleasant experience. She just bent over like he told her and he manipulated her feminine folds with his skilled fingers until she was totally lubricated with her juices before he attempted to introduce his stiff cock into the back of her waiting vagina.
“Oh, God!”
Those were the only words that escaped Sheila’s lips when Tommy’s cock started to probe her wet pussy lips. She wasn’t certain if he was wearing a condom but it was too late to stop now. When her hymen came into play, he merely grabbed her slender hips and pulled her back to slide all the way up inside until he hit bottom and she was forced to hang onto the post in front of her to keep from falling. His steady pumping action soon made her forget the uncomfortable feeling of the initial entry and they molded their bodies together like a single pulsating slice of human flesh.
Her heart was beating faster than she had ever felt before except when she was in the relay race at the sports competition. Her pulse was racing and her pussy felt like it was stretched to the limit but enjoying the sensation. When Tommy started to spank her cheeks she was startled and felt humiliated but she accepted it as part of her training and just leaned back for more. She could hear him yelling at her from behind even though she couldn’t see his face because her backpack was still on her shoulders.
“Bitch! Open up for Daddy, you bitch. You aren’t Sheila anymore, bitch. Your name is Bitch. Tell me what your name is bitch. Come on, let me hear you tell me “My name is Bitch!”
Sheila was panting with passion from the frenzied copulation from the rear. She didn’t understand that she was falling into an uncontrollable orgasm because she hadn’t been told about that as yet. All she knew was that it was getting better with each passing moment. The words from her first lover seared into her brain like some Chinese Communist brainwashing technique.
“My name is Bitch. Please call me Bitch from now on Tommy. I will be a good bitch for you. I promise to be a bitch whenever you want me. Don’t ever call me Sheila again. Just call me Bitch and I will come running to your side.”
With those words, Tommy grabbed hold of Sheila’s hair and pulled her head up so he could see her tear stained eyes. He could tell she was sincere and he was more than pleased. Slowly, he let his load drain into her knowing that it felt so much better without a condom. His bitch needed his seeds and the sensation of his juice to push her into a satisfactory orgasm. He loved to watch his bitches convulsing at the tip of his cock like little chickens with their heads cut off. He was so happy with his new bitch that he decided to give her a taste of his cock just to make sure she was aware that all her openings belonged to him now and that she was his territory.
Sheila was on her knees now and she was slurping Tommy’s cock with wild abandon. His dick was jumping around inside her mouth like Mexican jumping beans. Suddenly she realized that this is what the other girls were trying to tell her and she had failed to listen. Well, she would be a good bitch for Tommy just like she had promised and she hoped he would try to stay somewhat faithful but she knew he was far too handsome for her to keep as her private preserve and that boys will be boys when it comes to bitches.
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